FSBI «National Medical
Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology
and Perinatology named after Academician V.I.Kulakov»
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Head of Department: Anna Alexandrova
E-mail: a_aleksandrova@oparina4.ru
he Department is facilitated with high-tech medical equipment, which compris-es single-photon emission computed tomograph (SPECT) and positron tomo-graph, which are as precise as a multi-slice CT. The staff is well-trained and experienced in the field of radionuclide scanning and radioactive drugs used for scanning of different organs and tissues. This approach allows to perform SPECT and CT gradually, providing precise information about the organ functioning and anatomical organization of tis-sues. We also provide positron tomography of expert level. At present radionuclide scanning is available in the fields of oncology, cardiol-ogy, endocrinology and uro-nephrology by means of SPECT/CT («SIЕMENS» system) or positron tomograph, combined with «PHILIPS»16 slice CT.
The staff comprises experienced and qualified radiologists.
We provide the following radionuclide scanning:
Scientific life
The Department specialists take part in a scientific and research activity of the Centre. The main directions of their scientific work include: