FSBI «National Medical
Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology
and Perinatology named after Academician V.I.Kulakov»
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Anderey Donnikov, Ph.D.
E-mail: a_donnikov@oparina4.ru
The Laboratory was founded in 2008. In 2016 it was united with the Laboratory of Clinical Genetics.
The Laboratory uses molecular genetic methods of study of DNA and RNA to solve the acute tasks of obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive medicine and neonatology, including infections, estimation of gene activity of immune, endocrine and other systems. It is equipped with the most modern productive equipment, including the devices for whole genome study.
Laboratory specialists are involved in searching for clinically significant associations of various genome features with reproductive disorders. The studies include expression of a number of genes in various pathological conditions, the reaction of cells of vaginal discharge in various inflammatory diseases by gene expression in a number of cytokines. There is a different spectrum of cytokine gene expression depending on the genesis of the disease, which indicates the activation of various immunological mechanisms and can be used to diagnose inflammatory diseases of the lower urogenital tract.
The Laboratory develops new methods of non-invasive prenatal and neonatal diagnostics of hereditary diseases.