Division of Transfusiology and Extracorporal Hemocorrection

Head of the Division: Fedorova T.A., MD, Professor

E-mail: t_fyodorova@oparina4.ru

Our possibilities 

The Department of reproductive hematology and clinical hemostasiology integrates the most effective and safe methods of support for women at different periods of their reproductive age.

We provide comprehensive care in the following cases:

  • hemoblastosis;
  • congenital and acquired hemorrhagic diseases;
  • various thrombophilic conditions;
  • conditions accompanied by thrombotic microangiopathy;
  • medullar insufficiency syndrome;
  • immune cytopenia;
  • deficient states and other blood disorders;

Scientific work 

Our specialists are actively involved in scientific life of the professional community.

The major trends of our work today:

  • blood pathology detection and its early treatment during pregnancy with long-term outcomes;
  • diagnosis and treatment algorithm for pregnant patients with blood disorders;
  • study of the role of hemostasis disorders in genesis of pregnancy and IVF complications and IVF;
  • study of coagulopathy mechanisms in various diseases.